WSEAS Conferences @ MIT
WSEAS Members and WSEAS Friends
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WSEAS Groups must post it in several places on the net, for example as well as ,
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and here: ,
Best Regards
Prof. Nikos Mastorakis
Former WSEAS President:
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WSEAS Members be careful;
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Post-Conference Report for the WSEAS Conferences: The conferences aimed at bringing together active researchers in the areas of the respective conference and exchange information through the presentations and discussion of papers dealing with a wide variety of topics and the conference highly succeeded in meeting its goals
POWER'07, ICOSSE'07, ACS'07, EDU'07, and REMOTE'07
Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007
WSEAS organized the following parallel conferences:
The conferences were opened by Prof. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow IEEE, that addressed a short welcome speech before his Keynote Lecture and his Tutorial.
Prof. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow IEEE,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996-2100, USA
Tel- (865) 974-8398, Fax: (865) 974-5483
(Prof. Bimal K. Bose, Life Fellow IEEE, has held the position of Condra Chair of Excellence (Endowed Chair) in Power Electronics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville since 1987, where he was responsible for teaching and research program in power electronics and motor drives. Concurrently, he served as Distinguished Scientist (1989-2000) and Chief Scientist (1987-1989) of EPRI-Power Electronics Applications Center, Knoxville,TN. Prior to this, he was a Research Engineer in the GE Corporate R & D Center (now GE Global Research Center), Schenectady, NY, for 11 years (1976- 1987), an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, for five years (1971-1976), and a faculty member at Bengal Engineering and Science University for 11 years (1960-1971). He is specialized in power electronics and motor drives, specially including power converters, PWM techniques, microcomputer/DSP control, electric/hybrid vehicle drives, renewable energy systems, and artificial intelligence (expert system, fuzzy logic and neural network) applications in power electronics and motor drives. He has been power electronics consultant in a large number of industries. He holds a Honorary Professorship in Shanghai University (1991), China University of Mining and Technology (1995), X'ian Mining University (1998) , Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2002), and Honorary Adviser of Beijing Power Electronics R & D Center (1990). He has authored around 200 papers and holds 21 U.S. patents. He has authored/edited seven books in power electronics: Power Electronics and Motor Drives - Advances and Trends (Academic Press, 2006), Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives (Prentice-Hall, 2002), Power Electronics and AC Drives (Prentice-Hall, 1986), Power Electronics and Variable Frequency Drives (Wiley/IEEE Press, 1997), Modern Power Electronics (IEEE Press, 1992), Microcomputer Control of Power Electronics and Drives (IEEE Press, 1997), and Adjustable Speed AC Drive Systems (IEEE Press, 1981). He has given tutorials, keynote addresses and invited seminars extensively throughout the world. Dr. Bose, Life Fellow IEEE, has served as a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE in both the IAS and IES, and is now Vice-Chair of the IAS Distinguished Lecturer Program. Currently, he is a member of IEEE USA Energy Policy. He is a recipient of a number of awards, including IEEE Power Electronics Society Newell Award (2005), IEEE Millennium Medal (2000), IEEE Meritorius Achievement Award in Continuing Education (1997), IEEE Lamme Gold Medal (1996), IEEE-IES Eugene Mittelmann Award (for lifetime achievement in power electronics and motor drives) (1994), IEEE Region 3 Outstanding Engineer Award (1994), IEEE-IAS Outstanding Achievement Award (1993), Calcutta University Mouat Gold Medal (1970), GE Silver Patent Medal (1986, GE Publication Award (1985), and a number of IEEE prize paper awards. He also received the Distinguished Alumnus Award (2006) from Bengal Engineering and Science University.)
In regular sessions papers addressed several interesting topics. Prominent lectures provided key-note and plenary speeches for the conference. Moreover, special sessions were organized, and invited lectures were given by well-known researchers.
With pride, WSEAS received the following Important contributions and upgraded them as keynote and plenary lectures:
Keynote Lecture:
| Power Electronics - Its Impact on Energy and Environment, by Prof. Bimal K. Bose, The University of Tennessee, TN, USA. |
| Recent Advances and Applications of Power Electronics and Motor Drives by Prof. Bimal K. Bose, The University of Tennessee, TN, USA. FULL PDF |
Plenary Lecture 1:
![]() | Simulation of Electromagnetic Devices using Coupled Models by Assoc. Prof. Ion Carstea, University Of Craiova, Romania. |
Plenary Lecture 2:
![]() | Cognitive based reasoning and recognition for Intelligent Human Interaction by Prof. Hamido Fujita, Iwate Prefectural University(IPU), Iwate, Japan. |
Plenary Lecture 3:
![]() | Message Security in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks by Prof. Sudip Misra, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. |
Plenary Lecture 4:
![]() | Decentralised Collaborative Control for Power System Contingent Operation, by Prof. Haifeng Wang, The Queen's University of Belfast, UK. |
Plenary Lecture 5:
![]() | Advanced Parallel Processing Systems (Architectures and Applications) by Prof. Hamid Abachi, Monash University, Australia. |
Plenary Lecture 6:
| Lightning Performance of Power Distributions Lines: Models and Critical Aspects, by Prof. Amedeo Andreotti, University Federico II of Naples, Italy. |
Plenary Lecture 7:
![]() | Multiscale modeling of phase transitions dynamics by Prof. Bjorn Kvamme, University of Bergen, Norway. |
Plenary Lecture 8:
![]() | Parameter Estimation on Manifolds by Prof. Karlheinz Spindler, Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, Germany. |
Plenary Lecture 9:
![]() | Computer Vision Techniques for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems - Applications and Trends by Prof. Miguel Angel Sotelo Vazquez, University of Alcala, Spain. |
Plenary Lecture 10:
![]() | Feature extraction for CBIR and Biometrics applications by Prof. Ryszard S. Choras, University of Technology & Life Sciences, Poland. |
Plenary Lecture 11:
![]() | Research and Development of Safety Related Systems by Prof. Josef Boercsoek, Universitat Kassel, Germany. |
WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants
A permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for ever.
Click a picture to see a larger view.
Review Process:
Each paper was reviewed at least by 3 independent reviewers. The WSEAS Secretariat sent each paper to 5 reviewers. Some papers received reviews from 5 different referees. The WSEAS Secretariat forwarded these comments by personalized emails to the responsible for the correspondence author. The full list of the reviewers will be available in the web page:
Additional features of the conferences :
1) Publication of the Proceedings in 3 media: hard-copy, CD, E-Library
(A) Five books in the "Electrical and Computer Engineering Series" of WSEAS (see details, contents, author indices and editors below) with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indices (ISI ranked):
(B) CD-ROM Proceedings with pages' numbers with ISBN and ISSN indexed by the major Citation Indexes:
(C) E-Library:
and possible, for a very small number of papers:
(D) JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Expanded and enhanced versions of papers published in the conference proceedings also going to be considered for possible publication in one of the WSEAS journals that participate in the major International Scientific Indices (Elsevier, Scopus, EI, Compendex, INSPEC, CSA .... see: ).
2) WSEAS provides a very important tool to all the participants; a permanent username and password for accessing WSEAS conference proceedings on-line for ever.
3) The Participants received numerous coffee-breaks, and a Welcome Drink
4) Cultural and social activities as customary in WSEAS events.
5) The conference Books (Hard-Copy Proceedings), CD-ROM proceedings and Journals (with selected papers) published by WSEAS Press continue to sell for a long time after the meeting has taken place. This is another demonstration of the prestige the scientific community attribute to the meetings organized by the WSEAS.
For example, they are distributed via AMAZON: WSEAS @ AMAZON.COM
Books (hard-copy of the Proceedings):
Computer Science Challenges
Editors: Roberto Revetria, Antonella Cecchi, Maurizio Schenone, Valeri Mladenov, Alexander Zemliak. Pages : 450. Price: 80 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]
Systems Science and Simulation in Engineering
Editors: Roberto Revetria, Antonella Cecchi, Maurizio Schenone, Valeri Mladenov, Alexander Zemliak. Pages : 440. Price: 80 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]
Challenges in Power, High Voltages and Machines
Editors: Jiri Klima, Christian Bouquegneau, Petre Tusaliu, Fabrizio Pilo.
Pages : 386 . Price: 70 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]
New Horizons in Education and Educational Technology
Editors: Roberto Revetria, Antonella Cecchi, Maurizio Schenone, Valeri Mladenov, Alexander Zemliak. Pages : 320. Price: 70 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]
Challenges in Remote Sensing
Editors: Roberto Revetria, Antonella Cecchi, Maurizio Schenone, Valeri Mladenov, Alexander Zemliak.
Pages : 130, price: 50 EUR
[Contents], [Order], [Full PDF of the Papers], [Help]
What is the Permanent Procedure for additional Journal publication for a very small number of High-Quality Papers presented in the WSEAS Conferences in China (after the recommendation of Chairmen). So, the authors with accepted & presented papers received the following e-mail:
We have started now the procedure for the evaluation of the extended versions of your papers for possible inclusion in the WSEAS journals after new rounds of review.
INTRODUCTION: You know that our goal is to maintain very strong international journals, to increase the impact of our beloved WSEAS Transactions, really top journals as they really are. To this end, we need only high quality papers, breakthrough works of archival value, i.e. papers that are well written from any point of view, completed studies (with their numerical examples or experiments that must be compared with the previous results in the literature), excellent English language and of course correct WSEAS format. The papers also must be substantially extended version of the paper that was presented in the conference (with more than 40% new material). We need papers that will attract the attention of other scholars citing them increasing our impact. In the next few years, the WSEAS transactions must be in every academic library, in every corner of the earth. To this end, we need your high quality contribution.
HOW TO PROCEED: a) Check very carefully if your idea is really important, breakthrough in your field and can appear in a Journal of the quality and the level of the WSEAS Transactions. If you doubt, do not send it so easily. Your paper must not be only a good idea. It must be a complete study with theoretical background, complete bibliographical references; without grammatical and syntactical errors. For theoretical works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need numerical examples, applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research. For experimental or computational works: full comparison with previous published papers is necessary. We need real experiments with the necessary documentation, while for computational work, we need full benchmarks. Of course along discussions for the applicability of the method, originality, novelty and directions for future research.
b) Complete the extended version of your paper until December 31, 2007 and upload it via
http://............... (the full web address was given only to authors that presented a paper)
until December 31, 2007
c) If your extended version fulfills the paragraph a), then our Editors will send it to 3 independent Reviewers outside your country. If not, our Editors are entitled to reject it from this early stage informing you properly. The positive answer of the 3 reviewers is necessary (attention: 2 yes and 1 no implies NO, i.e. rejection).
d) Our Editors will collect the reviewers' remarks and will send them again to you for acceptance/ acceptance after minor revision / acceptance after major revision / rejection
e) Possibly new rounds of review will be needed.
f) No additional fee is needed in case of acceptance.
After all this procedure, the accepted papers that come from WSEAS Conferences in Canada will be published in the various WSEAS Transactions. IF you miss the deadline of December 31, 2007 , or if your paper was not presented in the WSEAS Conferences, THEN: you can upload it quite independently as regular paper from the WSEAS Site for the Journals:
The final list of the papers must have the approval of our Editors and 3 Reviewers, and of course the Editor-in-Chief of the particular Journal.
We want only authors that presented their papers to complete this web form:
http://............... (the full web address was given only to authors that presented a paper) So, in this form you will need a password (the password was given only to the authors that presented a paper).
The Organizing Committee received the forms that the Session Chairmen filled in after the end of their sessions and after additional evaluation and discussion decided the following.
The Criteria were:
a) Originality and scientific impact
b) Good presentation
c) Paper presented by a student
The papers are still undergoing the evaluation process and the result will be announced very soon.
PROCEEDINGS: The Proceedings related to the Conference are covered by:
02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
07. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
09. Directory of Published Proceedings
10. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Engineering Information
18. Compendex (CPX)
23. OceanBase
24. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
25. World Textiles
27. British Library
28. National Library of Greece
29. German National Library of Science and Technology
30. IARAS Index
The WSEAS journals are covered by:
01. ISI through the INSPEC (IEE)
02. INSPEC (IET, former IEE)
03. CSA (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts)
04. ELSEVIER and Elsevier Bibliographic Database
06. MATHSCINET of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
08. MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS of AMS (American Mathematical Society)
09. Computer Science Bibliography Administrator
10. British Library
11. American Chemical Society and its Index: Chemical Abstracts Service
12. European Library in Paris (France)
13. DEST Database (Australia)
14. Swets Information Services
15. Engineering Information
19. Compendex (CPX)
20. Geobase
24. OceanBase
25. BEILSTEIN Abstracts
26. World Textiles
28. Mayersche
29. Index of Information Systems Journals
30. National Library of Greece
31. IARAS Index
Welcome Gala
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Numerous coffee-breaks with Coffee, Tea, Milk and Juice.
Gala Dance
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WSEAS Feedback
WSEAS other
Cambridge is a city in the Greater Boston area of Massachusetts, United States. It was named in honor of Cambridge, England. Cambridge is most famous for the two prominent universities that call it home: Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 101,355. It is the fifth most populous city in the state. Cambridge is noted for its diverse population, both racially and economically. Residents, known as Cantabrigians, range from affluent MIT and Harvard professors to working-class families to immigrants. Today, Cambridge is home to a culturally diverse population of over 95,000. Over fifty languages may be heard on the streets of the city, including Spanish, Creole, Portuguese, Chinese, Amharic, and Korean. Children from 82 different countries of origin attend the public schools. College students from around the world study at Harvard, Radcliffe, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Lesley College. The heavy industries of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been replaced by technology-based enterprises, including electronics, self-developing film and cameras, software and biotechnology research. Top of the Page
The AMERICAN COMPUTING CONFERENCE was initiated by the WSEAS US Branch which is the Sponsor and the Organizer of the event and will endeavor to be the premier international scientific forum on the computing and computer science promising to bring together Academic Pioneers on Computing and Computer Research, Industry Experts and Theoretical Engineers. URL: Plenary Lecture 1:
![]() | Error-Tolerance, by Prof. Melvin A. Breuer, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. |
Plenary Lecture 2: Genetically inspired random guided optimization in the quest of flawless wireless communications by Prof. Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, UK.
Plenary Lecture 3:
![]() | Local Deformations and Singular Linear System Theory. Bifurcation Diagrams by Prof. Maria I. Garcia-Planas, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain. |
Plenary Lecture 4:
![]() | An Agent and Virtual Reality Based Online Course Delivery System by Prof. M. Nasseh Tabrizi, UEast Carolina University, USA. |
Plenary Lecture 5:
![]() | MALLIAVIN CALCULUS OF BISMUT TYPE IN SEMI-GROUP THEORY. by Prof. Remi Leandre, Universite de Bourgogne, France. |
Plenary Lecture 6:
![]() | Complex Adaptive Signal Processing Employing Independent and Optimal Convergence Factors with Applications in Time-Varying Environments by Prof. Wasfy B Mikhael, University of Central Florida, U.S.A. |
Plenary Lecture 7:
![]() | KM and Organizational Learning: Where Technology and Socialization Meet by Prof. Irma Becerra-Fernandez, Florida International University, U.S.A. |
INVITED SPEAKERS: The WSEAS US Branch is going to invite top academic personalities to present breakthrough results as Invited Lectures within the normal conference program. Meanwhile you could contact the organizers by email Top of the Page
CHAIR-COMMITTEE: RONALD YAGER, Iona College, New Rochelle, NY, USA (honorary) AMAURI CABALLERO, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA GEORGE VACHTSEVANOS, Georgia Inst. of Technol., Atlanta, GA, USA ROBERT FINKEL, Physics Dept., St. John's University, USA DEMETRIOS KAZAKOS, Texas Southern University, USA THEODORE TRAFALIS, University of Oklahoma, USA TAKIS KASPARIS, University of Central Florida, USA ZHIQIANG GAO, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH, USA YAN WU, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA SPYROS TRAGOUDAS, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL, USA ARKADY KHOLODENKO, Clemson University, USA GREGORY BAKER, Ohio State Univ, Columbus, Ohio, USA GALIGEKERE DATTATREYA, University of Texas at Dallas, TX, USA CAROLINE SWEEZY, New Mexico State University, USA ASAD SALEM, Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi, USA DIAN ZHOU, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA METIN DEMIRALP, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY OLGA MARTIN, University Politehnica of Bucharest, ROMANIA PANOS PARDALOS, University of Florida, USA CONSTANTIN UDRISTE, University Politehnica of Bucharest, ROMANIA KLEANTHIS PSARRIS, The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA ANDREW D. JONES, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, USA VALERI MLADENOV, Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA NERI F., University of Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, ITALY CHEN S. Y., Zhejiang University of Technology, P. R. CHINA SHYI-MING CHEN, Nat.Taiwan Univ. of Science & Techn, Taipei, R.O.C. YEN K., Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA RONG-JYUE FANG, Southern Taiwan University of Technology, TAIWAN ARGYRIOS VARONIDES, University of Scranton, USA NIKOLAI KOBASKO, R&D of “IQ Technologies Inc”, Akron, Ohio, USA XU ANPING, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, P. R. CHINA ZHU H., Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University, JAPAN Top of the Page
TOPICS: The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Software Engineering, Hardware Engineering, Data Bases, Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering, Industrial systems, Autonomic and autonomous systems, Knowledge data systems, Knowledge Mining, Web-based education, E-Activities (E-Commerce, E-Education, E-Health, E-Goverment), Security, Cryptology, Computer Vision, Intelligent Techniques, Computer Logic, Multimedia, Video Systems, Internet Technologies, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Language-Speech processing, Digital Systems Design, Remote Sensing, Quantum Computing, Nano-Computing, DNA Computing and Biologically Inspired Algorithms, Robotics, Computer Vision, Visualization and Virtualization, Computational Intelligence (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computing), Cognitive Systems, Systems performance, Networking and Telecommunications, Digital Communications, Applied Electromagnetics (Microwaves, Antennas, Radar, Scattering), Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation, Algorithms and Complexity, Graph Theory, Pattern Recognition, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Supercomputing, Computers in Education. Top of the Page
DEADLINES: Deadline for Papers' Submission: MARCH 15, 2008 Top of the Page SUBMIT A SESSION: The WSEAS US Branch can accept proposal for Special Sessions from qualified scientists that want to contribute to this event. Special sessions have the prestige of a really targeted audience. Many successful WSEAS Conferences started in the beginning as Special Sessions or Workshops in some previous WSEAS conference.You could submit by email the title of your session, the topics of the session and a preliminary list of potential authors that could contribute to the session as authors and/or reviewers of papers. Attached to your email you must have a short CV or a link to your web page. Top of the Page
CONFERENCE PROGRAM: The AMERICAN COMPUTING CONFERENCE's program will include Plenary Lectures, Invited Lectures and Normal Papers (Oral Presentation, Posters). The Conference Program will be announced after February 29 of 2008. Top of the Page
COLLABORATORS: If your Laboratory, University, Research Center etc... wants to be a partner in the AMERICAN COMPUTING CONFERENCE, then you have to contact the Organizers by email. Please, include the word WSEAS somewhere in the Subject of your message. If you do not write the word WSEAS, somewhere in the Subject of your message, your message will be deleted from our Servers. This policy protects our Servers from unsolicited email (spam). If you click in the following link, the word WSEAS in the Subject will appear automatically. Do not delete it. If you want to send other email to WSEAS in the future, please, have also WSEAS in the Subject of your email.)
CONTACT US by email: Please, include the word WSEAS somewhere in the Subject of your message. If you do not write the word WSEAS, somewhere in the Subject of your message, your message will be deleted from our Servers. This policy protects our Servers from unsolicited email (spam). If you click in the following link, the word WSEAS in the Subject will appear automatically. Do not delete it. If you want to send other email to WSEAS in the future, please, have also WSEAS in the Subject of your email.)